AM-06 aprox 2"...**NICK on The TIP** Angel Phantom Quartz is an excellent crystal to use with the Third Eye and Crown Chakras, as it enables you to gain a stronger connection to the Angelic realm as well as communication with your own Guardian Angel. This protective, high vibration stone increases our awareness of the spiritual realm, past-life recall and lucid dreaming.

Item# newitem440548739
Regular price: $28.00
Sale price: $16.00

Product Description

Amphibole Phantom Quartz is also known as Angel Phantom Quartz because the inner “phantom” appears to resemble the wispy wings of an angel. A Phantom is a crystal or mineral deposit within a crystal. Phantoms are formed when the growth of a crystal has been interrupted and then begins to grow again. While the color of Phantoms will vary from crystal to crystal, depending upon the type of mineral of which they are made, Amphibole Phantoms often contain inclusions of (yellow) Limonite, (red) Hematite, (white) Kaolinite, or (pink) Lithium. Often, the original mineral gets washed away, leaving only the Quartz to grow afterwards.