F-05 aprox 1 1/4" x 13 grams
Faden Quartz occurs in a cleavage between two existing rock formations. Initially, this tiny Quartz deposit is a gap-filled vein that has crystals connecting to both metamorphic rocks. Over an extremely long period of time, the two rocks will begin to separate. This gives the Quartz an opportunity to continue crystallizing. This slow stretching of the Quartz crystals results in a “string” like effect (that can be seen in high-quality pieces). A secondary layer of Quartz then grows on top of this initial “Quartz string” and crystallizes over it.
Product Description
Each Faden piece can only be extracted through a hammer and chisel technique. An experienced miner must work in extremely close proximity to both sides of the rock wall to extract the precious Faden Quartz. Here at the Crystal Council, nearly 25% of our Faden Quartz pieces break either during the handling/packaging or transportation process.